Often line chart in Qlikview apps are displayed partially due to space limit on the sheet. When the chart is stretched the the lines starts appearing completely.
To make the lines on the chart appear completely either chart needs to stretched or chart properties needs to updated to have horizontal scroll bar (presentation tab).
Horizontal scrolls works most of the time but they are annoying sometimes.
Do you want to display the line on the chart completely without stretching or scroll bars?
Follow the simple trick to cheat Qlikview to make it display complete chart without horizontal scroll bars.
1) Right click on the line chart and open the Properties.
2) In General , select Bar Chart as Chart Type
3) In Presentation tab, select"Show All Bars" check box.
4) Now, go back to General tab and select Line Chart as Chart Type.
5) Click OK
Line chart now displays complete line and horizontal scroll bar is suppressed.
Hope this helps!